PastelSparkles’ 2017 Favourites

Hi guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

I hope that those of you who celebrate Christmas enjoyed spending time with family and friends! Today, for my last blog post of the year, I thought that I would share all of my favourite things from 2017, of which, there happens to be 17! Overall, I think I will look back at 2017 with fond memories. A lot of good things happened to me this year, I got a job that I love, I traveled a lot, and spent lots of time with friends and family. I hope that you enjoy reading all about the things that helped make this year something special.


favourites 2017 (1)

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November Favourites

Hi guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

I cannot believe that November is already over. On the last Sunday of October, I went to a planner meet up and this past Sunday, I went to another one and it felt like I’d only missed one week in between them, it felt so soon after the last one. I guess time really does fly when you’re having fun haha. This month was my birthday month and it was also the month that my favourite musical group were bringing out a new album so I was just having the absolute time of my life this month. I also started planning out some goals for the next year and I’m really excited about them. I’ve got a few favourites for this month that I’d really like to talk about. I hope that you enjoy!


November Favourites

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