March Empties

Hi guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

Today I’m here to talk about this past month’s empties! I really fell out of blogging this month but I’m definitely starting to feel that passion for writing again, so fingers crossed, I can start posting much more frequently, like I had been doing for the past four years! I have a lot less products this month compared to previous months but there are a lot of products that



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Review: Carbon Coco Teeth Whitening Kit

Hi guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

As someone who enjoys coffee and drinks Pepsi Max like it is water, I do tend to feel a little self conscious about the state of my teeth. I have used whitening products in the past and I used whitening toothpaste, seeing only minor improvement. I’d always been intrigued by the charcoal teeth whitening kits by Carbon Coco and I was lucky enough to be gifted a kit to try for review! For the last 10 days, I’ve been trialing the kit that I was given and I am ready to share my thoughts. I hope that you enjoy!



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March Wishlist

Hi guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

Today I wanted to share a few of the products that have been exciting me lately! I will say, I’m becoming less and less enthused about new products. I feel like we’re either seeing more of the same or more of the odd that are just not necessary. I can’t say I’m often drawn to products anymore and it makes me really sad! I have managed to create a small list of things that are interesting me this month and I would love to hear about what has been exciting you or what you think about the products that I am lusting after!



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Fashion Review: Oscars 2018

Hi guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

Awards season is coming to an end with the Academy Awards finishing up yesterday, we saw so many beautiful outfits and I wanted to talk about my favourites from the night! I hope that you enjoy this post, I always love writing these kinds of posts!



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February Empties

Hi guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

Today I’m talking trash and I assumed that because February has a few days less than the other months that I’d probably have less products finished up but I actually finished more products than last month! In this post I’ll share a few quick reviews of the products I used up and share the total value of the items. I hope that you enjoy!

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February Favourites

Hi guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

Another month has come to an end and therefore, another favourites post needs to be produced haha. I had a bit of an off month this month and I don’t have many favourites but the items that did make it into my favourites are products that I really really love and can see myself using them for the rest of the year! I hope that you enjoy!


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Review: Juva Skincare

Hi guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

I’m very excited to be talking about Juva Skincare today! I was given the opportunity to try some of their products and I really wanted to let you all know a little bit about them and about what I thought of them! I really hope that you enjoy this post!


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Priceline 40% Off Skin Care Sale Haul

Hi guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

On the first day of the Priceline 40% off Skin Care, Sun Care, and Tanning products sale, I picked up all of my haul and I thought I’d better share it all with you! It is a little bit different to the wishlist that I’d made earlier this week but I’m still really happy with everything that I managed to pick up!


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January Empties

Hi guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

Today I wanted to talk about all of the products that I’m saying goodbye to from the first month of 2018! With empties, I started them because I tried doing project pans and they didn’t work for me so I thought sharing my empties would be more interesting and a lot less pressure for me. Something I wanted to introduce this year was a running total of all of the products used this year and the value of the products used so that I could see how much I’d actually used up! I’m really excited about it. I hope that you enjoy and I hope that you find this interesting!


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