February Favourites

Hi guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

Another month has come to an end and therefore, another favourites post needs to be produced haha. I had a bit of an off month this month and I don’t have many favourites but the items that did make it into my favourites are products that I really really love and can see myself using them for the rest of the year! I hope that you enjoy!


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Current Netflix Recommendations

Hey guys!

I’ve been prepping a lot of different posts and haven’t had the time to actually complete any so I thought I’d share a few TV Show recommendations because I’ve been watching so many good shows lately! I hope that you can forgive my lack of makeup post, just this once!



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5 Favourite TV Shows

Hey guys!

Firstly, I want to quickly say a big thank you to everyone who left such positive feedback on my Labyrinth post. No comment went unnoticed and it really brightened my day. Today’s post is all about my favourite television shows! I love to watch shows when I need to unwind after doing a bunch of work. I know that this isn’t beauty related but I know that lots of people love to be entertained and if I introduce you to a new show that you fall in love with, then my work is done. I hope that you enjoy!

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