PastelSparkles’ 2017 Favourites

Hi guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

I hope that those of you who celebrate Christmas enjoyed spending time with family and friends! Today, for my last blog post of the year, I thought that I would share all of my favourite things from 2017, of which, there happens to be 17! Overall, I think I will look back at 2017 with fond memories. A lot of good things happened to me this year, I got a job that I love, I traveled a lot, and spent lots of time with friends and family. I hope that you enjoy reading all about the things that helped make this year something special.


favourites 2017 (1)

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Paolo Sebastian X Exhibit

Hi guys, gals and non-binary pals!

Last weekend, I went to visit the new Paolo Sebastian: X Exhibit at the Art Gallery of South Australia and I wanted to share a bit about the collection that I got to see and why I’m excited about this designer in general! Please, if you are either from South Australia or visiting South Australia between now and the 10th of December, please go and check it out. It was such a wonderful experience and I felt so inspired.


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