Priceline 50% Off Cosmetics Wishlist

Hi guys, gals, and non-binary pas!

This thursday and friday, Priceline are doing a 50% off All Cosmetics sale! This includes all newly launched brands and new products, and just excludes gift packs, which I think is incredible!! There are so many products that I’ve been interested in picking up to review but I just didn’t want to spend the money and then this sale popped up! So today I wanted to talk about the products that I’m interested in picking up and later this week I’ll probably share what I did manage to pick up!


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Why You Should Love Boring Blushes

Hi guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

I’ve been talking about this in a few different posts over the last year in different wishlists, hauls and favourites and I thought that if those posts weren’t convincing you that ‘boring’ blushes are the best blushes, I thought that I should dedicate an entire blog post to the topic to make sure that you are adequately hyped about ‘boring’ blushes. Get on my LEVEL, everyone.


boring blushes

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