August Empties

Hi guys, gals and non-binary pals

It’s time for another empties post! We’re almost at the end of the month and by now, I’ve probably finished everything that I’m likely to finish by Friday so I thought I’d chat about what is moving out of my beauty stash today!


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July Favourites


Hi guys, gals and non-binary pals!

It’s finally August, which means that we’re one month closer to spring and one month closer to my birthday! But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, we still have to finish July off by talking about the things that made this month a great month! I hope that you enjoyed your July, and now let me share what I enjoyed this past month!



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Review: AQI Skincare

Hey guys, gals and non-binary pals!

I was lucky enough to receive a gorgeous little package from AQI Skincare, an Australian natural skincare brand targeted at assisting those with dry and sensitive skin! I really wanted to talk about the items that I received because I’ve been trying them for a few weeks. So if you’re looking for natural, cruelty-free skincare that can assist your dry and/or sensitive skin, stick around and check out this cool brand!


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