December Empties

Hi guys, gals and non-binary pals!

Welcome to 2018! I hope that you had an amazing time ringing in the new year and I hope that this year is everything that you want it to be! For my first post of the year, we’re going to be looking at all of the products that I used up in the last month of 2017! I hope that you enjoy!


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PastelSparkles’ 2017 Favourites

Hi guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

I hope that those of you who celebrate Christmas enjoyed spending time with family and friends! Today, for my last blog post of the year, I thought that I would share all of my favourite things from 2017, of which, there happens to be 17! Overall, I think I will look back at 2017 with fond memories. A lot of good things happened to me this year, I got a job that I love, I traveled a lot, and spent lots of time with friends and family. I hope that you enjoy reading all about the things that helped make this year something special.


favourites 2017 (1)

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MOTD: Litha

Hi guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

I know for the last Sabbat, I didn’t manage to get to making a makeup look for it but I will post a late one next week so that I have a complete year of Sabbat looks! Litha is one of those holidays that I suffer great seasonal anguish from because everyone is celebrating Christmas in the Southern Hemisphere while it’s midsummer and I’m just so conflicted haha. Nevertheless, I’ve created a seasonal appropriate look to celebrate the longest day of the year!



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November Favourites

Hi guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

I cannot believe that November is already over. On the last Sunday of October, I went to a planner meet up and this past Sunday, I went to another one and it felt like I’d only missed one week in between them, it felt so soon after the last one. I guess time really does fly when you’re having fun haha. This month was my birthday month and it was also the month that my favourite musical group were bringing out a new album so I was just having the absolute time of my life this month. I also started planning out some goals for the next year and I’m really excited about them. I’ve got a few favourites for this month that I’d really like to talk about. I hope that you enjoy!


November Favourites

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Why You Should Love Boring Blushes

Hi guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

I’ve been talking about this in a few different posts over the last year in different wishlists, hauls and favourites and I thought that if those posts weren’t convincing you that ‘boring’ blushes are the best blushes, I thought that I should dedicate an entire blog post to the topic to make sure that you are adequately hyped about ‘boring’ blushes. Get on my LEVEL, everyone.


boring blushes

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October Favourites

Hi guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

Today I’m sharing my most favourite items during the month of October! A lot of exciting things happened in November! The first Mecca Maxima store opened in South Australia this month, I went to the Paolo Sebastian X exhibition (which I would highly recommend checking out!), and we had the Adelaide Fashion Festival, which was incredible! I hope that you enjoy finding out about all of the products I loved this month!


october favourites

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Anti Haul #3

Hi guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

Today I’m doing another one of my Anti-Haul series posts! I’m sure you’re probably very familiar with the concept. However, if you are not, an anti-haul is basically a post about what you’re not going to buy, as opposed to a haul being things that you have bought. There are countless new products being introduced and we certainly don’t need them all, so let’s dig in to the products that I will NOT be buying.


anti haul

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Haul: Mecca Maxima Adelaide Store Opening

Hi guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

Today I wanted to share my experience and haul from the new Mecca Maxima that opened in Adelaide last week! I’d been saying for over a year that Adelaide would be getting a Mecca Maxima at Westfield Marion for some time because I’d seen an ad in the mall showing makeup that you couldn’t buy in the mall. I thought it must have been some kind of sneak peek that everyone seemed to miss when they went to Marion. Lo and behold, Mecca Maxima has now opened in the centre and it is the first Mecca Maxima in South Australia! We have had Mecca Cosmetica in the city for some time now and many Adelaideans have felt that we have been neglected by the Australian beauty industry because we are a very passionate bunch of makeup lovers who were having to travel interstate to see a lot of these brands up close. Hopefully, with the opening of Mecca Maxima in South Australia, we might be seeing a Sephora opening up here in the near future!


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September Favourites

Hi guys, gals and non-binary pals!!

Today I wanted to share all of the things that I loved over September! It was SUCH a wild month for me and I’m still very exhausted from it. I had some really great moments this month and I hope that you enjoy reading what I loved this month!


Eye Primers 4

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