MOTD: Imbolc

Hi guys, gals and non-binary pals!

Yesterday, I celebrated Imbolc, the Sabbat all about the first signs of spring appearing after the harsh winter. It is also known as Candlemas and is the basis for the well known celebration of Groundhog Day! Today’s look is inspired by light emerging from the depths of winter, light stars in the night sky! I really hope that you enjoy it and enjoy learning a little bit more about this holiday!


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My Shiro Cosmetics Collection

I received another Shiro Cosmetics order and I thought that since I haven’t posted at all about Shiro Cosmetics, that I would share my collection. I’ll indicate which pigments are new and which are not. This is one of my favourite brands and I think that everyone who loves more ‘nerdy/geeky’ things and makeup, should get around this brand.

Shiro Cosmetics is a company that make loose pigments, lipglosses, lip balms, and face products and they all are themed. The biggest selection on the website is the loose pigments but you can make any lip safe, loose pigment a gloss! This company is just so cool and I’ve been buying from them for 2 years. Also! My bag smelt of Reese’s chocolate and that’s because with every purchase, you get some lollies! I especially like that because the lollies are American and its harder to find American lollies in Australia.

Here is what I own from the company:


I own 10 full-size loose pigments and 4 sample size pigments. I did have another one but I must have misplaced it.

I have pigments from the Game of Thrones collection, The Hobbit collection, Color of the Month, and The Legend of Zelda collection. There are also a few other collections on the website!

So here we go!

The Seven Kingdoms Collection:

L to R: Mother of Dragons, Women’s Weapons (new), Maiden Queen (new)

When this collection first came out, I wasn’t very invested in Game of Thrones and I wasn’t really interested in buying anything from the collection until I fell in love with Mother of Dragons. After purchasing, I started watching the show properly and I’m now up to date with the show and I’m loving it. I have only read the first book of GoT, so I apologise for not being a super fan of the series but I certainly love it enough to want to purchase pigments that are Game of Thrones themed.



Mother of Dragons is made for Daenerys Targaryen and it is a really interesting colour because the sheen is a really cool toned purple/lilac colour but when this is blended, you can see the warmer brown-purple undertones which make this very pretty. You could essentially wear it on its own because its a statement colour and when blended, it makes its own crease colour. Pretty neat. I’ve taken it travelling with me and that’s why there’s lots of product sitting on top of the filter. This colour is not lip-safe.
Women’s Weaponry is made for Cersei Lannister and is a strong red wine colour with soft golden shimmer. This colour is mostly matte though, as you can see in the swatch. It reminds me a lot of one of the dresses that she wears in the show and I’m sure that is part of what it was based on. I don’t particularly love Cersei as a character, but I really loved this pigment when I saw photos of it. This colour is lip-safe.
Maiden Queen is made for Margaery Tyrell and is an emerald with a bright aqua shimmer and golden-rose sparks. It is inspired by Highgarden. I remember debating on whether I should purchase this colour because I don’t know when I’ll wear it but Margaery is my favourite character on the show so I had to have it. I’ll find a way to make it work. This colour is lip-safe.

The Hobbit Collection:


L to R: War of Five Armies (new) and Lingered in Twilight

I love Lord of the Rings and since the Hobbit movies came out, Shiro made this collection to go along with the release. I purchased Lingered in Twilight after the release of the first installment of the Hobbit movies and it was another, ‘when will I wear this’ shade but it is seriously beautiful and my baby Thranduil is on the sticker so I needed it.



War of Five Armies is a colour that I just needed for my collection. I wanted something that was matte or near matte because even though I love me some sparkle, I wanted something more toned down that I could wear and still feel special knowing I was wearing my Hobbit themed makeup. It is a darkened red-brown. It is also lip-safe!
Lingered in Twilight is such a beautiful colour, it is a blackened blue and green tones with slightly metallic shimmer. I found a way to wear it successfully all over my lid so I don’t regret this purchase at all. I probably still wouldn’t regret it even if I couldn’t wear it because I just love wearing it. It is not lip-safe.

The Color of the Month:


Top: L to R: I Tried (new), Ghosts of Colors Past (new), Nic Cage Raking Leaves on a Brisk October Afternoon.
Bottom: L to R: Yzma’s Essence of Llama (new), Still No Oscar for Leo DiCaprio.

All of these colours, at one point, where the Shiro Cosmetics Color of the Month. Four of these are still available in either the Color of the Month section or the High Scores section of the website. I love the Color of the Month ideas! For example, this month’s colour is Aurora Borealis which reflects the beauty of the northern lights but it just makes me think of that episode of the Simpsons.




I Tried, I believe, was for New Years, one year. It was meant to reflect the broken New Year’s resolutions. It is a rose gold and I bought it because it also reminded me a lot of MAC’s cult favourite pigment in Melon but I didn’t want to spend a truck-tonne of money on a MAC pigment when I could just buy a Shiro Cosmetics pigment for next to nothing! This colour is lip-safe.
Ghost of Colors Past was a colour that was introduced in October/November and is still available. It is a colour made from previous Color of the Months and I thought that that was pretty cool! The colour is a sparkly, neutral brown colour and I really love it. It is unsurprisingly, not lip-safe.
Nic Cage Raking Leaves on a Brisk October Afternoon was my first purchase from Shiro Cosmetics, back in October 2012. I cried laughing at this because the name is perfect and the colour was really nice too so I bought it. It is a deep, rich coffee brown-black loaded with gold and red sparkles and I’ve taken it travelling with me and that’s why there’s lots of product sitting on top of the filter. This colour is lip-safe.
Yzma’s Essence of Llama was just a really interesting colour so I knew that when I saw it, I needed it. Plus, its Disney. I plan on wearing this for Emperor’s New Groove day on the 15th of December. It is a dark plum purple with llama-colored duochrome haha. That’s the description on Shiro Cosmetics. I can’t wait to share how it turns out on ENG Day. This colour is not lip-safe.
Still No Oscar for Leo DiCaprio is a follow up colour to the shade No Oscar for Leo DiCaprio was introduced a few months before these. I think that they were made after the award shows. I had to buy this when I saw it because I love the colour and I love Leonardo DiCaprio. It is a champagne gold and I am not sure whether it is lip-safe or not but it is unavailable anyway so you won’t be able to purchase it on Shiro Cosmetics. The same can be said for No Oscar for Leo DiCaprio.



With every purchase from Shiro Cosmetics, you will receive a sample loose pigment. I used to have a sample of Epona from the Legend of Zelda collection but I’ve either lost it or used it all up. It was a standard cool-toned medium brown. I think that this is a really great way to try out colours that you maybe didn’t want to buy in full size. You can purchase sample sizes of all the available shades on Shiro but I didn’t buy any of the ones that I own.


My favourite of all of the shades is Ganondorf, from the Legend of Zelda collection. I was thinking of purchasing this myself so I am glad that I was given a sample of it. Here is a close up photo of it because it looks black in the first photo.


That’s all of the things that I have from Shiro Cosmetics. I really love the brand and I believe that they should deserve to be much more popular. I think that a lot of people buy the products, regardless of whether they would use them or not and I just think its so funny but so relatable.

I hope that you are having a great day!

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ArrivederLa xxx