MOTD: Imbolc

Hi guys, gals and non-binary pals!

Yesterday, I celebrated Imbolc, the Sabbat all about the first signs of spring appearing after the harsh winter. It is also known as Candlemas and is the basis for the well known celebration of Groundhog Day! Today’s look is inspired by light emerging from the depths of winter, light stars in the night sky! I really hope that you enjoy it and enjoy learning a little bit more about this holiday!


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100 Days of Makeup: 85-91

Hi guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

Welcome to the last 100 Days of Makeup recap post before the finale! I really hope that you enjoy this week’s recap, I’ve used some products that are new to me and it was really exciting to play with them!


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My Final Rouche Boutique Haul

Hey guys!

It is with a heavy heart that today I’m sharing my last Rouche Boutique haul. Many of you would know that I’d been affiliated with the shop for a very long time and I feel like they played a really big part in my blogging journey. This Friday, the store will be closed for the foreseeable future, so if you’d like to purchase any of the remaining items at a sale price, I’d recommend doing that ASAP! Now, on to the haul!



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Best AliExpress Buys!

Hey guys!

Today I wanted to share my favourite buys from AliExpress! AliExpress is kinda like a chinese eBay? There’s lots of little shops that sell lots of different items. I won’t be sharing any fake makeup here because I know that’s controversial, but AliExpress has a lot of other great, affordable things that I think you need in your life! Obviously if you want to buy fake makeup, that’s up to you. I don’t want people to feel ashamed for buying it because people have tonnes of reasons for wanting to buy fakes! I hope that you enjoy this post x



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Glam Cthulhu Look

Hey guys!

I don’t talk about this a lot on my blog, in fact I think I’ve only talked about it once and it was around Christmas, but I love to play board games! They’ve become super popular lately and one of my favourite games to play is Fantasy Flight’s Eldritch Horror, based on fiction written by H.P. Lovecraft! It is a cooperative game that requires you to team up with friends to beat monsters, close gates, solve mysteries and gain items. This week, I went to a board games night at a friend’s house and I thought that it’d be fun to do my makeup inspired by the cosmic entity that is Cthulhu! I hope that you enjoy.



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Priceline 40% off of Cosmetics Sale!

Hey guys!

It’s that time again where Priceline are having one of their famous 40% off sales! Cosmetics used to be my favourite but I think Skincare has kinda taken over a bit. I went really crazy during the skincare one! I am still holding on to a $200 gift card for this sale and I do still have quite a list of things that I want to pick up so I thought I’d still make a list and share it with you all!


For this wishlist, I’m going to talk about my old faithfuls first so that we can get them out of the way and move on to the fun new things that I want to pick up! I’ll be fairly brief about my repurchases because you’re more than likely to know my thoughts on it if I’m repurchasing it haha.

40 of cosmetics

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MOTD: Christmas 2014

This post is up a bit late but better late than never! I just wanted to share my Christmas makeup for 2014!



photo 1 (1)photo 2 (1)

I was going to post a Christmas look before Christmas but I wasn’t 100% happy with the way that it looked so I thought I’d wait and see on the day.


Coastal Scents Revealed Palette
NYX Glitter liners in Gold and Silver
eBay lashes (my new favourites! I might make a 2014 favourites post!)
MAC Russian Red
Gerard Cosmetics Candy Apple
Savvy Blush in Plum

I hope that you enjoyed your holiday, whichever you may celebrate.

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Hope you’re having a good day!

ArrivederLa xxx